MACTE membership offers a number of benefits to participating institutions

  • MACTE institutions have a vote on important issues concerning teacher preparation programs and issues. (See the membership form for more information about votes granted per institution.)
  • MACTE membership helps support the future of the bi-annual conferences which offer speakers, networking opportunities, and valuable information pertaining to teacher preparation.
  • MACTE members have access to the MACTE List Serves. These email lists offer important communication avenues for institutions to discuss current issues impacting educator preparation programs across the state.
  • Topics include:
  • Certification Officers | Assessment Directors | Field Experiences | Community Colleges | Deans/Unit Leaders | Education Technology

Become A Member

All Missouri 2-year, 4-year public, and 4-year private institutions may apply for MACTE Membership. 

Annual Membership:

At the beginning of each year, institutions must fill out a membership form to enter current members, identify voting members and to select the List-Serv email distribution lists each member would like to be added to.

Please note: List-Servs are updated annually using the information provided on this form. If you do not select member List-Serv preferences you will be removed from any prior List-Serv you were on.

Member Changes & Adding Members:

Personnel changes may occur throughout the year. Institutions may use the Membership Change Form to remove a member that has moved on and add a new member.

You may also use this form to add new members at any time throughout the year.